Guidelines for Setting up Fortran77 Compiler in Codeblocks

Step 1: Download the Codeblocks IDE along with FORTRAN from the official website.

Step 2: After download, install or update the Codeblocks with FORTRAN
Step 3: When the installation is over, open the Codeblocks.
Step 4: If your installation was right, the home screen of Codeblocks must have Fortran in the menu bar as shown in the following snapshot:

Step 5: From the menubar, click on setting and then click on the compiler from menu list.
Step 6: Following window with name “Global Compiler Setting” will appear on the screen:
Step 7: Click on the Toolchain executables tab to obtain following:

Step 8: In the C compiler, select gcc.exe by clicking on the button with three dots on the right. Similarly, select g++.exe for C++ compiler and select gfortran.exe for Linker for dynamic libraries as following:

Step 9: Click on OK. Now, you have successfully configured FORTRAN compiler.
Step 10: Create an empty file and type following hello world program on FORTRAN
c      WAP in FORTRAN to display Hello World!
       program helloworld
       write(*,*) ‘Hello World!’
       end program helloworld
The snapshot is:

Step 11: Press Ctrl + S to open Save file dialog box. In the dialog box save the file as type Fortran77 instead of C/C++ and give the file name with extension .f, you may use hello.f for this example. Then click on Save

Step 12: Now, build/compile hello.f and run it to get the following output:

Using similar procedure you guys must be able to compile any FORTRAN77 program on Codeblocks.

Guidelines for Setting up Fortran77 Compiler in Codeblocks Guidelines for Setting up Fortran77 Compiler in Codeblocks Reviewed by Active Cricket on February 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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